Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

PurPest at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology and at the 2nd Workshop on MSS Science & Technology

Carla Arce gave an oral presentation Two group members gave an oral presentation at the 38th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology (23-27 July 2023), in Bengaluru, India:

  1. Carla Arce, Marine Mamin, Gregory Röder, Arooran Kanagendran, Emmanuel Defossez, Sergio Rasmann, Terunobu Akiyama, Kosuke Minami, Genki Yoshikawa, Wen Tan, Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker, Ted Turlings - Odor sensors to detect and identify agricultural pests for crop protection.
  2. Kathrin Altermatt, Carla M. Arce, Gregory Roeder, Ted Turlings - Attraction of a parasitoid to volatiles of Zambian maize accessions attacked by the fall armyworm.

At the 2nd Workshop on MSS Science & Technology which was held onsite and online at NIMS (Japan) and EPFL (Neuchâtel, Switzerland), Marine Mamin also gave an oral presentation about: Odor sensors to detect and identify agricultural pests for crop protection (7 July 2023) - Programme.





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