Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)

Welcome to the PurPest Project website

“You can’t defend. You can’t prevent. The only thing you can do is detect and respond”

(Bruce Schneier)


PurPest at IMAPS Nordic's conference NordPac

Daniel Wright presenting PurPest


On Thursday June 13th,  Daniel Nilsen Wright presented the PurPest EU project at IMAPS Nordic's conference NordPac 2024 in Tampere, Finland.

The audience, who were mainly experts in microelectronics,packaging and sensors, were very interested in our approach in reaching EU's goal of reducing pesticide use by 50%.

PurPest at ICABR

Daniel Wright presenting PurPest

 On Wednesday, June 12th, Stelios Kartakis presented a poster at the 28th International Consortium of Applied Bioeconomic Research (ICABR) in Ravello, Italy (June 11-14th). 

The poster, “Potential impact of Spodoptera frugiperda in Europe” is a work in progress, aiming to obtain insights into the pest’s potential economic impact on maize farmers, as part of the PurPest EU...

Maria João Camacho defended her PhD thesis


  On May 29th, at the Universidade de Évora, Maria João Camacho, our PurPest EU project scholarship holder, successfully defended her PhD thesis on innovative methods for detecting plant parasitic nematodes. Her work was supervised by Maria Lurdes Inácio - NemaINIAV and Eugénia Andrade at Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, IP (INIAV, IP). Dr. Maria João Camacho...

PurPest at Labsummit 2024

Maria Joao Camacho presenting PurPest

Maria João Camacho, from INIAV, gave an oral presentation at Labsummit-2024, presented the PurPest project and invited the audience interested in these technologies to  follow the project at PurPest's communication channels.

The event took place in Coimbra/Portugal, at Convento de São Francisco (16th – 18th May 2024).

PurPest publicised in the Norwegian journal "Norsk Landbruk"

PurPest publicised in the Norwegian journal "Norsk Landbruk"

PurPest coordinator, Andrea Ficke, was interviewed on new technologies in agriculture for the journal Norsk Landbruk. The article ‘Lukt skal avsløre skadegjorerne’ (Odours will detect pests) was published in the first volume of 2024, where the use of sensors to detect pests both during import and in the field was discussed.

PurPest at the 35th ESN Symposium

David Pires presenting a short talk

The 35th Symposium of the European Society of Nematologists took place in Córdoba, Spain, from 15-19 April 2024, and Portuguese partners from INIAV were present.

During this week-long event, David Pires gave the short talk "Nematology in the digital age: mastering communication", within the framework of WP6, and Maria Lurdes Inácio, Ana Fundurulic and Maria João Camacho presented the...

Intercomparison at AIRMOTEC


 During the second week of April 2024, AIRMOTEC / CHROMATOTEC welcomed partners from SINTEF, Saftra Photonics, University of Warwick and Volatile for an intercomparison to test and evaluate newly-developed sensors and detection units by PurPest project partners. Over the course of the week, AIRMOTEC targeted 3 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) tracers from Phythophthora ramorum...

Pavol Miškovský visited SINTEF



 In March, Pavol Miškovský from Saftra Photonics visited SINTEF. The goal was to test how to use Saftra's Ramascope to detect volatile organic compounds, in order to detect pests on plants.

This visit was a valuable preparation for PurPest's detailed test campaign in April, where several technologies will be tested and compared.